About Us
Angel Maids Cleaning Ministry formed first in the palm of God’s hand.
His GRACE has brought this ministry about. Through prayer and seeking the Lord, one day in 2015, the Lord compelled us to begin a cleaning ministry on His foundation in Ocala, Florida.
On a Word from the Lord, mixed with faith, the name Angel Maids Cleaning Ministry was established. We desire to help others and with God’s help, anything is possible. Originally from St. Augustine, Florida, I knew God had a plan that was much bigger than my mind could ever grasp.
We have been very blessed to reach God’s people in so many different ways. Through God’s hand of deliverance from our own trials and past experiences, our heart has been set on loving others and lifting burdens spiritually and physically from all people the Lord sends our way.
We offer prayer in every situation, never forcing any belief system on anyone. We firmly believe that this world needs encouragement, hope, and more than anything a taste of God’s love. Although trials may come, we take pride in helping our customers to feel better and have a new sense of hope and relief in their lives again.
In Angel Maids Cleaning Ministry, we just don’t offer services, we present ourselves as a living sacrifice, acceptable, holy, and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). We do our best to live by example, not in words only, but in actions and truth. (1 John 3:18) We make it a point to go above and beyond our customer’s expectations (Psalm 16:3).
It is our hope to reach those in challenging situations, and bring light into our world. The Lord has sent us out to His people to help restore what has been lost, broken, or burdensome to them. (Luke 10:1-2), (Mathew 11:28) It is a privilege and honor to serve the community.